Established in 1996 in Iskenderun, Bamak Katı Yakıt Ambalaj Sanayi ve Gemi Acenteliği A.Ş. has been manufacturing Big Bags and sacks in its 9.000 m² closed facility equipped with the most advanced production technologies under the name Odak Ambalaj ve Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. in 2013.
Our company continues its activities under the roof of ODAK Group in its factory located in Iskenderun Organized Industrial Site.
With a completely horizontal production system, 3,500 tons of products are manufactured annually. ODAK, which has an important share in the market, produces Big Bag (FIBC's), Sling, Sling Bag, Big Bag fabric, column, sewing rope, ribbon, P.P. sack, laminated P.P. Sack, Sling and Sling Bag in its facilities.
Our products are used in various industries such as coal, chemical, mining, mineral, petrochemical, agriculture, feed, seed and fertilizer. Big Bag, Sling and Sling Bag products are certified in ISO standards in accordance with EFIBCA rules. Our certificates are issued by LABORDATA in Germany and BPI in Belgium. Our certificate numbers and dates are on the labels of Sling and Sling Bag products. Total quality control is ensured thanks to the completely horizontal production line.
For detailed information, please visit our website